Department Cookout - Kickoff Thur., Sept. 1, @ 5:00

Chemistry Department Cookout – Kickoff
Thursday, Sept. 1, the Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry – students, faculty and families – will meet at 5:00 for tailgating fun before the 7:00 home football game against arch rival Anderson University.  For those of you who attended last year, you will notice two significant changes.  1) Location: we will me in a more festive location; just south of the baseball field (along the 1st base side).  2) Weather: we will plan on nice weather.  Attached are a few fun pictures of us enjoying the cookout and downpour.  Wear casual closes and expect some lawn games as we eat, meet the new freshmen, and catch up with the returning students.  **** Dr. Stan has offered some of her famous cookies to the upper classmen who bring the most freshmen with them.  I suppose there’s room for some scheming in this offer, but we hope everyone will be able to come. 
Let me know if you have any questions. 
                                -Dr. King
